Your company’s branch office, store or headquarters stands out with corporate channel letters in Northeast OH. There, they attract attention with illumination and the presentation of your business’ customized font. Examples abound.

Corporate Channel Letters Brand!

Sprint stores. Sprint displays the company’s iconic yellow logo to the right of the business name. Since many Sprint stores are situated in strip malls, corporate management teams have decided to display the name and logo on the front’s façade as well as on the rear wall. In this manner, they actively advertise the store’s presence to motorists and passersby. In some locations, the yellow color of the logo finds a repetition with custom awnings.

Verizon stores. Verizon stores, too, have found channel letters to be the most effective advertising signage solution for their properties. To create the white on red display, this client has asked for the installation of a backboard in the famous red color that then holds the white channel letters. Doing so also allows for the expertly spaced presentation of the logo. The combination of the board and the lettering allows for a massive display that is visible from across a large parking lot.

Famous Footwear. When your company’s name presents in two distinct font sizes, the channel letter setup is superior. Famous Footwear has made this font size blend its easy-to-recognize ad display. Using channel letters, we easily accommodated the font change midway through the design.

Fallas. This display exemplifies the dual product presentation. A well-known store, Fallasdisplays with white channel letters against a red, oval backboard. Its tagline, however, finds an ideal presentation with a box cabinet. We center it correctly to fit onto the red backdrop and balance the larger size of the channel letters. The combination of letters and cabinets is not unusual. When you look back to Famous Footwear’s sign, you will notice that it, too, uses a cabinet for the logo display.

Dollar Tree. Are you curious about the utilization of a raceway display? Dollar Treepresents its green channel letters on a façade via the raceway installation technique. Doing so has the advantage of hiding all the electrical components of this product, which we paint to take on the color of the façade. Unless you look carefully, or you know that it is there, you do not usually notice the raceway.

Ready to Brand Your Corporate Building or Store?

Ordering corporate channel letters for Northeast OH companies is as easy as contacting the graphic artists at BlinkSigns. Our specialists schedule a consultation with you and visit your location for a site survey. Taking this step is essential for providing you with installation options. Depending on the makeup of your façade and your preference, we can use a raceway for the installation or mount the letters directly to your building’s wall. We work with you to determine the ideal size of the letters as well as the spacing that you prefer. We can also work with you if you need indoor business signs.

Once we finish the design process, we give you an opportunity to look at the sketches. This process lets you see the sign through the eyes of a customer. When you are satisfied with the look, we manufacture the product and install it. Contact us today to get started!