
Sign Products Overview

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Phase 01

Site Survey

We conduct a thorough evaluation at the proposed location for your sign. To ensure the signage will be effective, safe, and in line with local regulations. We’ll examine the area, assess the infrastructure, evaluate visibility, check compliance with local codes, consider aesthetics, and plan for installation.
  • Taking Measurements
  • Checking Local regulations
  • Evaluating the infrastructure
  • Installation feasibility

Phase 02

Design & Consultation

We conduct a thorough evaluation at the proposed location for your sign. To ensure the signage will be effective, safe, and in line with local regulations. We’ll examine the area, assess the infrastructure, evaluate visibility, check compliance with local codes, consider aesthetics, and plan for installation.
  • Site and requirement Analysis
  • Budgeting and Proposal
  • Concept Development
  • Mock-ups and Presentations

Phase 03

Permitting & Variance

We navigate local laws to provide a smooth, compliant sign installation. We manage the permitting and variance processes in the signage industry. For permitting, we submit detailed plans to authorities, ensuring your sign meets all local regulations. If your sign doesn’t comply with standard rules, we apply for a variance, making a case for an exception without compromising safety or aesthetics.
  • Research local regulations
  • Understand local sign regulations
  • Sign plans and documentation
  • Compliance and implementation

Phase 04


This is where we turn your approved design into reality. We select the right materials, cut and shape them to match your design, apply the necessary finishes, and assemble the final product. We ensure the sign is built to last, is visually appealing, and aligns with all specifications. We meticulously plan and execute each step, transforming your vision into a tangible sign.
  • Assembly and construction
  • Surface preparation and finishing
  • Electrical wiring and lighting
  • Quality control and testing

Phase 05

Installation & Quality Assurance

We meticulously mount your sign at the desired location, ensuring it’s secure, level, and functioning correctly. Concurrently, we conduct rigorous quality control, checking the sign against original specifications, inspecting materials for quality, monitoring the production process, and performing a final inspection. This thorough approach guarantees your sign is not only visually striking but also durable, safe, and compliant with all relevant regulations.

  • Sign placement and alignment
  • Compliance verification
  • Mounting and Electrical connections
  • Quality inspection & Documentation

Phase 06

Sign Repair and Maintenance Assessment

Once your signage is installed and operational, we provide comprehensive repair and maintenance services to ensure its continued effectiveness and longevity. This phase encompasses a range of critical activities aimed at preserving the functionality and appearance of your signage.

  • Electrical System Check
  • Cleaning and Restoration
  • Structural Integrity Assessment
  • Routine Inspections & Emergency Repairs

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