When you walk across a big-bold sign, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

Business impression. A sign is the first impression of any business, the first marketing tool that creates business awareness. It helps decide whether potential customers will consider your business or not.

But the term self-storage is self-explanatory. So, how does signage affect your self-storage business?

Well, it depends on what your sign says about your self-storage business?

Get your signage customized by BlinkSigns!

Businesses usually indulge in exterior signs. Self-storage signs can be both, exterior and interior. While an eye-catching sign is important on the outside, helpful and valuable interior signs are a necessity.


When choosing an exterior sign for your self-storage business, think of your exterior signage as a Welcome note to your potential customers but also a Welcome back note for your existing customers. Your business sign stays up 365 days a year. It’s important to keep it attractive, but it should be relatable and comforting for returning customers. For Example: 

  • Adding humorous holiday messages to your signage
  • Displaying public service messages
  • Addressing the social causes your business contributes too
  • Highlighting what social values your business represents in the society

These active changes next to your constant business signage make your business memorable for every single person who glances at your sign which ultimately results in sales.

A permanent sign will get your business attention,  and a few temporary signs will get your business name out in society.


Wayfinding and directional self-storage signs are essential to have your tenants use your facility safely and efficiently. 

  • Can your tenant locate their unit easily?
  • Can your tenant find their way to the exit?
  • Does a sign around the unit show who to call if the tenant cannot access their unit?
  • Is there a helpful sign available around the unit for your tenant to know what to do in an emergency?
  • Does the sign around the unit show where to report any unusual activity?
  • Most importantly, are there safety signs for tools/machinery that can be a hazard?

How to get the most out of your self-storage sign?

Be it interior or exterior, what guarantees a useful self-storage sign is the effectiveness of the sign. Regardless of the content, the template for the interior signage has some ground rules.

  • Use minimum colors. Ideally black/white for clear cut instructions/directions.
  • Big, easily readable fonts. Avoid using italic or congested fonts.
  • All capital letters only for words like WARNING or HAZARD

All in all, signage is a necessity for businesses in the self-storage industry.