Make things convenient for your customers with proper Convenience Store Signage. Any convenience or corner store without proper signage can be invisible to a potential customer passing by. That’s why it’s crucial to have a proper and attractive convenience store sign or signs prominently displayed outside your shop.

Now, we know interior signs are important as well. But let’s start with the exterior and then move to other areas of your store as today’s article progresses.

At BlinkSigns, you will come across different types of corner store signs that can be used to advertise your business. But first, you will need to know some details to find out which ones can work for you.

So, in this article, we are going to explain your options among various signs you can use outside and inside your c-store to market your business. 

Get Custom Exterior Convenience Store Signs

Even among exterior signage, you will have varying choices. So, it’s best to look for custom signs that can be installed according to the area available around your store.

Now, these are some common signs you can use:

Commercial Awnings

If you have the space and means, a commercial awning can do wonders for your business. The awning can protect your building from the weather while the signage can help advertise your store better. 

It will even give people a place to take shelter and eventually turn that into a sales opportunity. As they step into your store to buy some beverage, food, or perhaps an umbrella.

Digital Signage

Digital signs are popular among most businesses. It can be a full-fledged digital screen or an LED reader board. Now, it’s up to your convenience store advertising plan and strategy on how to utilize it. 

Usually, you can get one or more to market new offers and deals your c-store is offering at different times of the day, month or year. There is no rule that says convenience store window signs have to be stationary wooden boards, is there?

The biggest advantage of digital signs is that they can be changed according to your present needs. So, if you plan to display some new information, then it can be easily and quickly reconfigured.

Digital signage is not limited to being displayed outside of a building. That’s why you can expect the term interior digital convenience store signs to pop up later in this post as well.

Well Lit Cabinet Signs

Using cabinet signage is the most common way of letting people know you’re open for business. However, if it’s not visible to the foot traffic due to bad lighting then it’s as good as not being there in the first place. 

You can always bring in a convenience store signs displays and solutions firm to take care of your business signage needs. As faulty lights in any illuminated sign can have a negative effect on your potential customers.

Interior Displays Are Equally Important

Once inside the store, your customers can require additional signage. For example, a sign may be required to know which items can be found in which places. Or, which counter is open for the cashing out process, etc. This is where you will need:

Indoor Digital Boards & Screens

Continuing the checkout counter example, you can place or hang a digital sign anywhere close to the counter(s) and let customers know where to cash out. Similarly, any current exclusive offers can be displayed on a screen in a spot of your choice.

Directional Signage

As the name suggests, these custom directional signs can provide directional information to your customers. Let’s say your store has different aisles and new customers often complain about not finding what they are looking for right away. Then you can use directional signs inside your store to help them navigate and locate the designated aisles.

Just make sure your interior signs are ADA compliant and up to the standards after consulting with the official ADA Standards for Accessible Design.

BlinkSigns Can Help Make Your Business Signage ADA Compliant

Since we opened our doors for business, we have always put our customers first. So, we don’t let our clients worry about anything. BlinkSigns provides convenience store signage solutions and more. Helping you from the conception of your signs to their installations while ensuring the process is compliant with all applicable standards and regulations.