What’s an event without signage? Signage adds to the overall look and experience of an event. An event would be a waste of time for attendees if they can’t have an awesome time and leave with an awful experience.

Signage is important, everywhere. Agreed. Then why should an event be deprived of signage? We understand that getting the right signage is tricky, so here’s a list of events signage ideas. These will help boost your business’ event and the attendees will have a positive experience.

Digital Signs

Digital Signs has made a huge leap in the past few years when it comes to event organizing. Here’s an idea of how you can use digital signage for your next event to boost your attendees’ experience:

  • Dynamic information displayed out front
  • Social Schedule at a glance
  • Real-time social media wall
  • Live audience response results

From a business to a social event, digital signage is the main event signage idea and can benefit any type of event. Although they are fun to use, digital signboards are costly. Displaying selective information is the key to owning digital displays during events. It all comes down to increasing your attendees’ experience at your next event while staying on budget.

Floor Decals

Floor decals are a unique way to display your brand and fun event signage idea. You can partner up with local artists for a better graffiti look or opt for a signage company to get brand-specific floor decals. With the right decal, attendees will show interest, take pictures, and put them up on social media. This’ll improve their experience of your event and help your business receive some really cool shoutouts. If your event’s being held for a number of days, then a decal on the street can garner more attendees.

Wayfinding & Directional Banners

Wayfinding and directional signs help in easy navigation of a place. Events have a number of attendees and it gets difficult to navigate without help. Using banners for wayfinding and directional signs take care of free-moving navigation. You can use overhead banners so the audience never has to stop mid-event and ask for help. With less confusion in finding their way, the attendees will have more time to enjoy the event.

Other than having overhead wayfinding and directional banners, another event signage idea is to have color-specific banners for large events for more specific navigation.

Crowd Control Banner Sleeve

For large events, crowd control banner sleeves really help you out. Placing organizers and worrying about overcrowding an area is always an issue at events. But using these banners will provide a barricade of separation for attendees.

LED Tickers

LED tickers can do a great deal for your next event just like a digital display board. However, LED tickers are less expensive than digital display boards and more manageable for smaller events. They can be placed overhead at a central location, at the entrance, or if it’s a booth-based event, then for booths.

Events are all about socializing while expanding your business horizon. Doing all of this without having to worry about million other things does help a lot. This way you’ll know that attendees will have a reliable experience attending your event. So, we’ve taken away half of those worries by suggesting these 5 event signage ideas. Plus, here at BlinkSigns, we take care of the rest of your worries.