One of the best ways to increase brand awareness is through eye-popping exterior signage. In fact, nearly 76% of consumers said they had entered a store or business they had never visited before simply based on its sign.

On the surface, exterior signage seems pretty basic – select the sign type you want, have someone make it, have some install it. Unfortunately, having a sign installed for your business isn’t that easy and can lead down an arduous road if not handled carefully. Which is why selecting a reputable signage partner to help with all the legwork is vital for your requirements (and sanity).

Here are 3 key tips you need to be aware of:

Landlord Criteria

In some cases, landlords will require you to adhere to city guidelines, which can be both good or bad depending on how strict the signage regulations are. The best time to discuss signage criteria with your landlord is when you’re negotiating your lease. You’ll have a clear understanding of what is approved before moving forward, and a nice bargaining chip if you need to negotiate certain sign allowances.

Common questions to ask:

  • Are removal and repair costs from the prior sign passed on to me as the incoming tenant?
  • How large can my sign be, and is there a pylon or monument sign I will also be able to advertise on?
  • If channel letters are allowed (or required) can they be flush mounted or do they need to be on a raceway?

City Sign Restrictions (City Criteria)

A clear understanding of what’s allowed within your city zoning (the different types of exterior signs such as monument, pylon signs or awnings) is not the only thing to consider. Your signage partner should also investigate how long the permitting process will take, especially if you have a proposed opening date in mind. We’ve seen this process range from a couple days to over a month (in some extreme cases).  A good signage vendor will help find all of your city criteria information and complete the permitting process for you.

Common questions to ask:

  • What signage is allowed in my zoning location?
  • What is the permitting process like and how long will it take?
  • If I do not like the requirements how do I request a sign variance?

Sign Design and Installation

For many clients, there isn’t anything more important that the design of their sign (for good reason – it’s our favorite part, too). However, landlord criteria and city criteria may influence the type of signage you’re allowed to have. Once you have that established the signage type permissions, the fun part really begins! There is a multitude of elements to consider when designing a sign which includes signage type, size, color, branding guidelines, and building placement.

Common questions to ask:

  • What style of sign is best for my business and budget?
  • How long does the design and quote process take?
  • Do you provide a warranty on your product?

Hopefully, you have a better understanding of the how complex the signage process can be and what’s involved to have a sign installed properly. If you still have more questions or are in need of a quote, please reach out to our staff here at BlinkSigns, we’d love to hear from you!