If you’re like most of us, you probably consider the office as a second home. Unfortunately, some companies still don’t understand how to leverage their office to help boost employee morale.

Creating an awesome, collaborative workspace doesn’t happen overnight. With office signs, there are 3 quick wins you can implement today.

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Wall Signs- A source of motivation and Inspiration

How many offices have you walked into that have quotes and other word art displayed on some of its wall spaces? We’re guessing a lot. This is because such art on the walls of a hallway, the cafeteria or even a huddle room can be a source of inspiration for the employees. Anything from a quote from the CEO to Yoda from star wars will resonate with your employees!


According to a recent survey with 1000 American employees, 50% of the respondents felt their office spaces weren’t decorated well enough. Ask yourself, is your office space a bit relaxed or is it more of the Mad Men, –  top collar buttoned kind of place?


Most of us have waited in drab lobbies and waiting rooms that have boring indoor business signs. It won’t hurt to have something colorful on those walls for your visitors to see, as it leaves a good impression of your brand, and makes the waiting process pleasant for people.

We don’t recommend that you use just signs to boost your workplace. Besides using vinyl signs, some other ways to perk up your office space include:

  • Add greenery to the workplace. Indoor plants offer a relief for sore eyes and help keep the air clean too
  • Encourage employees to decorate their personal spaces. You can allot a specific budget for such stationary
  • Create a huddle space for the employees. You never know when and where inspiration may strike
  • Place company merchandise at places to add some color to the surroundings

If you have any ideas that can boost the look of a drab workspace, or add to the charm of office signs then let’s hear them.