When discussing the appropriate exterior business signs to attract the attention of motorists, the graphic artists at BlinkSigns frequently suggest the installation of pylon signs or monument signs for Cleveland business owners. Both signage solutions advertise your company’s presence, brand via the display of your logo and corporate colors, and succeed in catching the eye of drivers. That said, some of our clients feel compelled to switch out their monuments when a nearby business installs a pylon signage. Should you?

Choosing a Monument Sign vs Pylon Sign

One of the main distinctions between a monument sign vs pylon sign is, in a word: height. The common monument sign is no taller than about five feet. It displays your message at eye height and incorporates beautifully with your landscaping. The pylon sign is tall and catches the eye of folks that are still quite a distance away. In fact, most pole signs are taller than the buildings that house the businesses they advertise.

Doesn’t This Make the Pylon Sign the Perfect Sign?

No, it does not. Consider for a moment a neighborhood with a mixed zoning pattern. Residential homes or apartment buildings mix with storefronts, banks, and similar businesses. Having a super tall pylon in this setting makes the company stand out – but not in a good way. It just does not fit the character of the neighborhood.

When Should I Opt for a Pylon?

If your business is located in an industrial area where distances between manufacturing plants and storage facilities measure in city blocks, it makes sense to erect a pylon and alert motorists in search of your company to your location. A pylon sign is also a good idea when your business is one of many that are situated along a highway, interstate or four-lane road. Vehicles travel at higher speeds, and catching the eye of drivers earlier is to your advantage.

Remember also that you do not have to opt for the tallest pylon that we can manufacture. Mall management companies like to use pylons to display the names of the stores doing business at their venues, but they do so with signage that is of moderate heights and, therefore, suits the character of the area. Most business clients who order pylon signs will opt for lit versions to enhance the visibility of their messages. View our LED pylon signs and pole signs.

How Do I Know that a Monument Sign is Right for Me?

If you are located along a two-lane road, a four-lane road with a lower speed limit or within a more residential setting, a monument is a good option. Moreover, remember that you have options concerning the display of your company’s information, which can increase the visibility of your marker. For example, installing a digital reader board lets you change your message and catch the eye of motorists in this manner. Lit box cabinets and channel letters also work well.

Discussing Monument and Pylon Signs in Cleveland with an Expert

Contact our graphic artists or request a quote for more information on these signage solutions. We welcome the opportunity to visit your location and conduct a site survey. At that time, we also investigate the signage used by your nearest competitors. During our consultation, we can offer you suggestions regarding the ideal height for the signage advertising your business. Learn more about corporate signage and even custom letter channels with BlinkSigns.

 Union Home Mortgage Monument 
Pylon Sign vs Monument Sign: What’s the Difference? 3