Good signs are a business’s first impression and the real estate industry is no different. Buyers look at catchy and enticing signs which helps them make decisions about a certain business or brand.
Many factors make a good real estate sign, like the materials used or the placement of the sign.
Here at BlinkSigns, we’ve made a list of the top materials for real estate signs.
Real Estate Sign Materials
Typically, advertising signs are made using sturdy materials. For real estate signs, the signs can be placed either inside or outside. Using the same signs in different locations means that they need to be durable, lightweight, and easy to transport. The materials used are:
- Sintra Board
- Corrugated Plastic
- Gator Board
- Foam Board
- Ultra Board
Interior Signs
Real estate signs can be both interior or exterior signs. For indoors, light-weight and plastic signs are suitable. Let’s see which materials work well for indoors:
1. Gator Board – A rigid and lightweight display material. It has a dense inner foam core and a wood-fiber veneer exterior. It’s resistant to water and scratches, which makes it ideal for portable signs.

Gator Board
2. Foam Board – Signs made of foam boards are quite common. They’re rigid, extremely light-weight, and inexpensive. A foam-based sign has a dense core sandwiched between two thick layers of paper. They’re ideal for constantly changing sign requirements. You just have to change the paper, and you’ll have a new real estate sign every time.

Foam Board
3. Ultra Board – Ultra board based signs are heavy duty, all plastic and incredibly resistant to water and tears. It’s made with flexible plastic covering, which makes it a flexible sign. Ultra board signs are ideal as freestanding or hanging signs.

Ultra Board
All these signs are ideal for indoor signage in the real estate industry. They’re portable, easy to manage and best suited for ever-changing displayed information. Plus, they’re quite versatile.
Exterior Signs
Real estate signs should be displayed out-front. For exterior signs, sturdy and heavy-weight materials are ideal, like:
1. SINTRA BOARD – Made of PVC interior and exterior, Sintra boards are heavy and rigid with a satin finish. They can also withstand extreme weather conditions. The permanent quality of PVC makes Sintra boards ideal for long-term outdoor signs.

2. CORRUGATED PLASTIC – Corrugated plastic sheets are essentially just plastic cardboard. A zigzag plastic interior that is coated with smooth plastic exterior. This all-around plastic formation makes it a durable sign.

Sintra boards are heavy-duty and sturdy for an exterior outdoor sign. Corrugated plastic is inexpensive and can endure a few months of outdoor exposure. Choosing the right material will depend on the usage and duration of your signage needs.
Real estate signs can be used interchangeably. Also, with their versatility, you can change the look or the information of your sign. All that’s left now is for you to decide on your next real estate sign.